Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Session 1

Session 1 (Pastor Philip Mantofa)

Acts 16
Paul's Vision of the Man of Macedonia

6Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 8So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. 9During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." 10After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.

使 徒 行 傳 16
6 圣 灵 既 然 禁 止 他 们 在 亚 西 亚 讲 道 , 他 们 就 经 过 弗 吕 家 、 加 拉 太 一 带 地 方 。 7 到 了 每 西 亚 的 边 界 , 他 们 想 要 往 庇 推 尼 去 , 耶 稣 的 灵 却 不 许 。 8 他 们 就 越 过 每 西 亚 , 下 到 特 罗 亚 去 。 9 在 夜 间 有 异 象 现 与 保 罗 。 有 一 个 马 其 顿 人 站 着 求 他 说 : 请 你 过 到 马 其 顿 来 帮 助 我 们 。 10 保 罗 既 看 见 这 异 象 , 我 们 随 即 想 要 往 马 其 顿 去 , 以 为 神 召 我 们 传 福 音 给 那 里 的 人 听 。

The reason Paul travelled to Macedonia in His vision as there are thirsts, hungers and calls of desire.


Holy Spirit winds every part throughout the world from time to time. Malaysia is a 'very young son' in terms of revival, perhaps not the eldest, second, third nor fourth eldest, perhaps the 'youngest'.


God is the Almighty, He has designed the whole universe and everything for your life today. In terms of power, wisdom and authority, Adam and Eve would never eat the fruit as God can refuse to give human choice. And there is no incarnation of God, no Jesus Christ, and no gospels today.
It is so true that God can perform the revival in such way, but God doesn't as He longs for the relationship with us. This is the ultimate reason of why God has created human beings, He longs for relationship while He gives us choice whether to build our faith in Him.


Come let's pray, and ask for it! We are replied with the bible words, often the significance of gospel is greatly emphasized. We see that God's will and wisdom is far higher than our limited sight. Since we do not know, and while we were still blaming for our personal discontent, God satisfy our lives till today, yet He was, now He still continues His wonderful plan in our lives, how precious is that condition-less love more than the rice you have eaten and the rice you gonna eat. Over thousands of years, God comes down to reveal His words to prophets to write bible, it is clearly that God is tolerating us by keep stepping to front so that He can emerge to us. God hopes for revival to come into everywhere on earth more than you do, as He knows and considerate about humans' future to approach His judgment. Also not because God is unable to do so, however this reflected that humans do not believe in His promise nor welcome His presence, instead we desired to be the lord in our own lives.


In an airport street evangelism, Surabaya, crowds and crews teased a group of praying believers in the airport runway, where those believers are praying so hard and ready to set up the ground for the coming conference. So happen, everything was in the midst of raining season, and it was so impossible to do an outdoor conference which accommodates a few ten thousands people, as big as a large fraction of Malacca population. "You pray so hard, let's see your prayer works to stop the rain or not" a general whisper in heart with laughter. Soon after that, the conference and ended as soon. Throughout the day, was totally dry, still for another 2 hours after the conference ended and the crowd left the spot, before the storms and rain came.


In the sense of 'creation or evolution', the unidentified mysteries behind universe, fundamental elements and definite physics quantitative constants and quanta;
In the sense of evidence of biblical history events;
In the sense of biblical promises and applications from the past until now; (*yet to come with discussion)

Upon all the supporting evidence on the biblical truth, you may choose to believe it or not, but who can disprove the presence of a creator within us?



As simple as spider is an arachnid in FACT, but is an insect in people's OPINION. A spider is still an arachnid if people refuse to believe the fact.


Those told above are just personal testimonies of mine and pastor. I strongly believe that beloved brothers and sisters would find more joy and testimonies in God's presence, as He has promised abundant lives. Amen?


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